Muscle Motivation

“I don’t want another girls body. I want my body, but leaner, stronger, and healthier.”

Fitspiration is all over the internet today, if you search Google you can read plenty of motivational quotes and see girls with muscles. But how often are girls told it is ok to be fit rather than skinny? I personally would rather be muscular than skinny any day of the week. If you asked my opinion a few years ago I would rather have been skinny than to have muscles, even though I was a college athlete. I am guilty of pinning workouts, meals, and quotes on Pinterest to my boards to offer inspiration and serve as a reminder of some of the physical goals I have. Somehow the new fad amongst girls is to have a thigh gap. A thigh gap? This consists of extreme muscle wasting most of your body away to reduce the size of the abductor muscle (this runs up the inner thigh). In no way shape or form is this healthy for anyone to do. I wish there were more positive image of strong girls and females. I think wonder woman is this only strong female action figure/character. I like the idea of a woman being her own hero and taking charge of her life and body.

Dove has the real body campaign which features real women’s bodies in a stance against skinny models promoting products. I see their perspective and where they are coming from, not every girl looks like the Victoria Secret model when they wear their underwear or bras. However, I do believe every woman and girl should love their body. I also believe every woman and girl should try to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

But, doesn’t the Dove campaign seem rather pseudo psychoanalytic of women implying women do not like their bodies for stupid reasons? It is rather patronizing, belittling, and insulting to suggest this. Somehow, this is rather important to someone who has started to love their body because their body is getting stronger. Muscles are not something that makes you girly according to societies perspective. Just because I am a female, doesn’t mean I don’t want to be strong and love my body. Women deal with body shaming not matter if your: fit, skinny, average, heavy, plus size, whatever you want to call it. If a woman is too fit, she’s anorexic but if she’s too heavy, she’s obese. Women need to be more supportive of one another. I can relate to the societal standards of beauty and what is perceived as attractive. I believe transformation can be a radical or it can be a subtle everyday experience.

Today magazines are plastered with headlines reading: “lose 10 lbs in 10 days”, “drop a dress size in a week”, “10 minutes to flawless abs”. I laugh each and every time I read these at the grocery store. I am guilty of reading them just to see what the new “SECRET” is. However, all of those headlines are bullshit. Yes, bullshit. If I can have abs in 10 minutes or in 8 simple steps, I think our nation as a whole wouldn’t have an obesity epidemic issue. I do however, find it ironic we have an obesity epidemic with a skinny jean/legging obsession.

Respect women who have muscles it takes dedication day in and day out, sacrifices, early mornings at the gym, lots of sweat was involved in the creation of a muscular body, changing one’s lifestyle, and competing with yourself rather than anyone else. Being healthy and a girl with muscle requires dedication day in and day out. It is not just a sometimes decision. It involves meal planning and prepping, scheduling workouts, and making sure you push your body to the limit to see results.

Don’t let another person dictate how a woman/you should look. If you have curves and couldn’t imagine another body, love them and flaunt it. If you’re skinny and don’t enjoy putting on weight, you go girl. If you think muscles and a ripped body are what’s right, rock those muscles.

An empty gym is my playground along with the greater outdoors. However, when I go to the gym and get the stare down from the other guys lifting I get a bit of satisfaction when I move my weight plates and watch them take notice of how much I lift. I don’t do it for attention rather myself. I love pushing my body to the limit every time I enter the gym or go for a run outside. The whole reason for this post is learning to love your body and if you are unhappy make changes. There is no greater therapy then creating endorphins at the gym day in and day out. Do your body a favor and start small and begin to make changes you will start to surprise yourself in what you can accomplish. Be the hero of your body and love every single inch of it because it is genuinely 100% you.

Author: triingtoblanceitall

Trying to balance: work, friends, relationships, and triathlon one day at a time.

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