Dedicating yourself to stay committed

“Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you. It means pushing yourself when no one else is around.”

Many people make promises or commitments and quickly retract, edit, or forget about it. I think as a child I was let down way too often and take a promise and commitment to heart. Don’t make a promise unless you plan on following through or my trust in you will be broken.

Triathlon and maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires dedication and a promise to yourself. It means day in and day out being a tuned in eater, runner, biker, swimmer, and listening to your needs. Sure a doughnut for breakfast would satisfy my sweet tooth but in an hour I would be hungry and left wanting something else to eat. Meal planning has been a easy way to stay on track for my busy lifestyle. I am new to the whole prepping and planning food. I have a few recipes I rotate between and am slowly building muscle and forgetting about food that leaves me unsatisfied and only wanting more.

As I have followed my training plan and meals these past two months I have learned a bit more about myself and what I want. There’s a reason why I feel like I have to do things alone or by myself. Asking for help or someone to join you on a workout is difficult to do. It is extremely hard to find someone who is committed to going to the gym and staying there for 90+ mins. I love walking into the empty cycling studio turning the lights down and just riding for 90 mins and then lifting after. I am doing this for myself and no one else. My mom has joined me for a few of my longer biking sessions. She stays about half the time and then does her thing. I love it. I always ask her why do I love this so much? Why is it so hard to find someone who shares my passion for working out and being healthy? I could list qualities I have but my interests are narrow. I was exposed to plenty of outlets as a child but the one that has remained strong has been my love to get sweaty and relish in sore muscles. Finding someone who is dedicated to something outside of their job is hard to find. People are easily dedicated to TV shows, sports teams, alcohol, etc. Being dedication to yourself does not mean you’re selfish. It means you prioritize your needs. Yes on occasion it means skipping out on a dinner date to train, not drinking with friends, calling it an early night because you have a training session early in the morning.

I admire those who are dedicated to something that’s not mainstream or the popular thing to do. Something that requires discipline. When you date and meet people I’m always interested in how someone defines himself. “Hi my name is ______ I am ___ years old. I work at _____ as a _____.” I always ask what else? What are your interests? What are your hobbies? What are you passionate about? What motivates you? Are you a motivated person? Or does spending the weekend watching Netflix, football and drinking really satisfy you?

It’s hard to connect with people now a days. There are so many things in the world to occupy your time. But what do you pick?  And as a partner are you okay with days where I am going to pick my passion over you? There will be days dinner won’t be on your watch but rather when I finish my workout. And if you’re someone I am going to be with, will you be at the gym with me? I don’t mean someone who works out 1-2 times a week. I want someone who makes it a priority. I want someone who is going to check out my squat and slap my ass after a heavy set. Wait, yea that’s what I want. Like I said this blog is complete honesty, no bullshit. I want someone who helps me reach my potential while I help them reach theirs. This post was all over the place, I started it this past Sunday after 50.5 miler bike session. I reread it today and it still applies. I just needed to put my thoughts down on paper to get it off my chest.

Author: triingtoblanceitall

Trying to balance: work, friends, relationships, and triathlon one day at a time.

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